Deception Bay Super League Singles

We play Monday Nights

Nominations for League will be taken on 6th January 2020 or by private message on Facebook to Deception Bay Super League Singles.

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To register your promise to play the full round,
Season One fees are $100 up front
each week. $20 is to be paid every week for the first 5 weeks, commencing from 6th January.

Until the players are formerly registered we can still play a game or two on the night.

The suggestion is to pay $5, put your name on chips, and, depending on players who turn up, a round robin format, the best of 5, will be played on the night to assist with determining your position (for Div 1, Div 2 or Div 3).

Prize money is determined on points won, not games won.

The proposal for Div 1 League games will be round robin best of 11 with NO catch up games. Unfortunately if a player is absent due to health, family or work issues, that game will be forfeited and their opponents will play one game on the night. Chalking is to be shared (use common sense for games to run smoothly) with the pair following on that board (or the previous two players), first 4 games then change chalker for the next 4 games, and revert to the first chalker to complete the games. This will allow for toilet breaks, and practice prior to their game being played.

The proposal for Div 2 and Div 3 League games will be round robin best of 9 and best of 7, and if all are in agreeance, catch up games permitted within the weeks allocated for the games.
Chalking is to be shared (use common sense for games to run smoothly) with the pair following on that board (or the previous two players), first 3 games then change chalker for the next 3 games, and revert to the first chalker to complete the games.
This will allow for toilet breaks, and practice prior to their game being played.

The proposal for Open Division wanting to play Singles each Monday but not commit to a League, is to pay $5, names on chips, and, depending on players who turn up, a round robin format, the best of 5.
Money is a percentage in kitty on that board for winners and runners up.

All players interested in Season One, will accept the decisions made for their Division prior to starting the night of play.

The Deception Bay Club is open for play from 6.30pm.
When the players and chalkers are ready, games to start approx. 7.15pm and no games to start after 9.30pm.